Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The One in Which I'm Going to HELL

A few days ago, I decided to drive down a street I've never been down before. We're relatively new to the area, so every now and then I explore different neighborhoods. This neighborhood was really cute with lots of houses probably built in the 70's and 80's with well kept lawns and cute dogs and people that wave when you pass by. I was enjoying my little side trip until I was stuck behind a biker that was driving in the MIDDLE OF THE ROAD! Not only was this biker impeding my progress, but it was 1pm on a school day and from the back of him he appeared to be a 14 year old boy. Why was he not in school, I wondered. Also, what the hell kind of bike was that? It was a full sized bike with GIANT training wheels. I am cursing this kid with all I've got and his parents for not teaching him not to ride in the middle of the street. I definitely said at one point, "Where do you even get a bike like that? Retards 'R' Us?" I was annoyed for absolutely no reason, since it was 1 o'clock in the afternoon and I had nothing better to do than drive around, but I continued to get more and more bothered...

Then we reached the cul-de-sac and he saw me and pulled into a driveway and waved with the biggest grin I've ever seen. Yeah, he definitely had down syndrome.

Upon recounting this story to my husband, he said, "You're definitely going to hell if there is one, which will be nice because I'll have company when you get there."

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